Research Interests

I’m broadly interested in how people make-meaning in their daily lives, and in the cultural, institutional, and social resources we use to do so. I’m also interested in the narratives people develop and maintain that provide a framework for how we understand the social world and our place in it.

Past Projects

Public Figures

Souvenirs & Travel Guides: Culture, Cognition, and
Grieving Public Figures

This qualitative interview study examined the emotional reactions people have after the death of a public figure and the meanings they associate with that figure. Results suggest that people attach symbolic meaning to these figures that can improve their ability to remember the past or interact in the present.

Findings published here.


Narratives of Military Service

This study examined the narratives post-9/11 veterans tell about their service and their experience transitioning out of active duty. Results suggests that while most veterans hold a positive view of their military service, the skills, knowledge, and habits developed in the military do not often translate well into civilian society.


2020 Souvenirs & Travel Guides: Culture, Cognition, and Grieving Public Figures.” Poetics, forthcoming.

2014 Substantive Versus Procedural Criminal Law, THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CRIMINOLOGY AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE, ed. Jay S. Albanese (Wiley-Blackwell)

2012 A “Fundamental” Problem: The Vulnerability of Intellectual Property Licenses in Chapter 15 and the Meaning of §1506, EMORY BANKRUPTCY DEVELOPMENT JOURNAL, V28.